Christmas Nottingham 2014
Stapleford Nottingham, Nottinghamshire

Stapleford Travel & Photographic Society



Venue - The Community Hall in the car-park at the rear of Stapleford Police Station, reached from off Cliff Hill Avenue.

7.45 p.m. every Thursday ... ending at 10.00 p.m.

Meetings begin again (after a recession!) on September 23rd 2010

We have guest speakers, as well as our own "gang" giving talks and shows.
Interests range form visits to other countries, to animal, bird and other photography etc.

We welcome any one to the meetings whether non photographers,
beginners or "know it alls" to a
good nights entertainment. A sense of humour is helpful, but not essential!

Refreshments are available, and anyone visiting will be made most welcome.

We also, every now and then, disappear into Derbyshire for a spot of walking ... which is not too strenuous.

Please feel free to telephone Ray Gillett (Club Secretary) on 01159 396 397 for more information.


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